Learning React -> Understanding why Redux -> More time spent!

So, I had this idea for an app. It’s a pretty basic app and it takes the current location and prints some distances. It does all of this stuff without an active internet connection because GPS DOES NOT NEED INTERNET. It drives me crazy that Google Maps won’t download the area that I live in (which they might know because I occasionally have to turn on Location Services on my phone) or any location that I tell it to.

From their POV, it’s probably not the best because most of the traffic related data on Google Maps is crowd sourced and you ain’t getting no data from a phone that is offline.

So, I decided to leap frog that and... Read More

Old Habits Die Hard, Criminal show - GET IT

I find myself thinking about what to write every day. This has been happening everyday since the end of the 100 days.

A general update, is what this post is.

I am reading Apt Pupil. The book has gone literally nowhere since I started it. Since this is a book of four stories, I don’t even know how much of it I have read, it must be 20-30 pages and the book is slowly progressing somewhere. This initial period of intrigue that exists right before the explosive event and the chase that happens in the end + climax of the book seems to be a common theme in Stephen King books.

I have also been raving about the Read More

Day 100 - Shawshank Redemption + The Last Post in this series


(Prologue: This is going to be a normal Ep 100 post. My thoughts about this series, the things I wrote about (and didn’t), the days I really did write well etc will all be covered in a different post.


That is Rita Hayworth. She was the one that Andy Dufresne began with. For 27 years he toiled, and made it out. It’s an amazing novella! I kind-of knew the ending but was blocking it off so I could still enjoy the book. The revelation is not the climax and I think that’s where the story really excels. In telling the story of two men, vastly different from each other, but... Read More

Day 99 - Mongoose + async act up to create cocktail

I found another really strange thing that happens with Mongoose when used inside Async.

let mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect(db_conn_string); let util = require('util'); let async = require('async'); let Schema = mongoose.Schema; let ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId; var PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, username: { type: String,... 

    Read More

Day 98 - Rains a bit, Floods a lot in Koramangala

08:00 pm: Walk into a restaurant for dinner with a few friends and seniors from IIT KGP.

11:30 pm: Decide to step outside and be faced with one feet of water in every direction the eye can see.


The best reference to come up with here is: July 26, 2005, Bombay

I was there, 9 years old at the time. Hardly understanding what the fuss was about, schools weren’t there for a few days I was definitely real happy about THAT. There was a lot of stuff going on at that time in the city, I got to know of most of them after the fact. As stories that were recounted several times... Read More

Day 97 - The Circle - complete review

I watched The Circle. It’s a movie everyone needs to watch

The movie touches on some of the core concepts of privacy and does a really really good job of putting a clear LINE where transparency begins and privacy ends. They do it in an obscure fashion with no direct references, main characters who are incredibly skewed in their personalities, visions and with motives unknown to the audience. Money might be a driving factor, but Tom Hanks’ character and the guy Tom Stenton, they have LOTS of data, I wonder if money is their only over reaching goal.

Anyway, putting all of that aside, it’s a great cautionary tale of what happens when people start believing that what’s not on... Read More

Day 96 - Shawshank Redemption - getting to the end

The second type of guy knows that there is no harm in hoping for the best as long as you are prepared for the worst

(p. 88, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption – Stephen King)

I have known this particular phrase / quote for a long time now. I finally found the source (or it could be older than even this book!) In any case, it is a GREAT quote to live by.

(27th May, 2017) I have now read about 100-110 pages of the book. Dufresne has made the escape, Red is merely tying up all the knots. I have read the whole book (almost) on my phone, and I didn’t check where the book ends. So... Read More

Day 95 - BEGIN Shawshank Redemption, another query population hurdle


If you have seen any trailer of The Circle (2017), you will know that this is the thing that Emma Watson’s character is most scared of. I just finished watching Good Will (Goodwill?) Hunting. That movie is the portrayal of unfulfilled potential. The ending is good, in my opinion though, the movie is over rated generally.

I have gone through 2 pages of Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. It’s pretty easy reading (after that nightmarish historical mystery book, I bet anything with actual people walking around the place would be easy reading) and I know who Andy Dufresne is. Fair enough, more updates soon.

I went back and had a look at the “Should we send... Read More

Day 94 - Starting Shawshank Redemption + Good Will Hunting

Next up: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King. I read my Stephen King book a few months back, and I promised to read more Stephen King this year. Different Seasons (the set of 4 novellas) is the perfect way to get started. All the four novellas are small enough for me to be able to be confident enough that I will finish each soon.

(It’s also a convenient way to cheat through the Goodreads reading challenge and mark 1 HUGE book as four books. I don’t know of any other Stephen King book that would afford that particular oppurtunity.

Good Will Hunting is the next movie I would like to tackle, I didn’t finish watching it just yet.... Read More

Day 93 - Watching Alien Covenant + Strolling on M.G Road

I finished reading Daughter of Time today! -> Goodreads review

Today will be one of the few days that I have been able to post well before midnight AND on the same day as the post is due to be out. I think as this endeavour comes to an end, I would like to be able to make the last 7 posts on time. Ending on a high, is what it is called, I think.

I watched Alien: Covenant today. It was so totally on a whim. It’s a GREAT movie though. Saying anything more about it will almost certainly spoil the plot for the reading-between-the-lines sort of readers of this blog.

Michael Fassbender does an amazing job playing... Read More