Pragmatic GoLang Workshop - Follow-up

As part of the Kharagpur Open Source Summit 2018, there was a Pragmatic GoLang workshop on 20th January, for 3 hours. Kshitij organized and ran it. By all accounts, it was a great success! He did a really good job with the slides and with delivering the workshop! The workshop was originally scheduled for 3 hours but it ran for nearly 4 hours, and people sat patiently and programmed alongwith him.

I was part of the team who was there helping him out with the doubts that everyone who came to the session had. These are some of the things I learnt in the workshop and some notes about GoLang for the future.

All this stuff that I have learned about writing “Idiomatic Go” enables me to go back to year-in-twitter and leprechaun and do things the Go way.

Sidebar: I gave a talk titled Node.js, GoLang and Concurrency on 21st January! It went well (I think). The video should be up soon. I am working on an appropriate HTML page with the resources I would like to distribute with the talk. (slides, code, further reading)