Day 86 - Cruising Attitude - A list of the things I learnt about flight atttendants and flying

I finished reading Cruising Attitude today! It was a really easy read, with lots of light hearted humor and some really gruesome experiences, both of the author herslef and her friends, who play a major role throughout the book.

There are a lot of things about the flight attendant profession that I learnt from the book, I can’t make an accurate, exhaustive list of them, but I will try to make some list that I can refer back to, later:

I went through the whole list of my “Notes” section on my Kindle and it was rather small, for a 260 page book. I didn’t highlight a lot in this book, I wonder if that is because of the care-free, amateur writing!

This book provides a rather unique biographical perspective into the lives of flight attendants and I definitely recommend it if you have a few spare hours. Perhaps when you are passing through an airport? The setting would be near perfect.

POST #86 is OVER